Going Public

by Marc on July 31, 2008

With 51 days to go, I guess it’s finally time to start letting all my coworkers & clients know what’s going on. Earlier this week I was informed that my imminent departure will be on the agenda of the Thursday staff meeting (Although I informed management of my decision months ago, I’ve been under strict orders to keep it quiet until now). Hooray - I can finally stop living a double life! :)

So, to all my coworkers, clients & friends – welcome!

Before you start pounding me with questions, have a look around this blog, especially the FAQ page. Then sign up for my RSS feed and come along for the ride! And if any of you have some travel tips for me, please share.

Now that I don’t have to pretend this isn’t happening at work everyday, maybe this trip will start to seem more real. If only I can find someone to buy my house & all my stuff. Anyone?

{ 1 comment }

August 1, 2008 Craig

Come on in, the water’s fine!

Seriously, I understand the relief that comes with saying what you are doing out loud. (It also has the advantage of making it harder to back out!)

Good luck with your final preparations!

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