
by Danielle on September 17, 2008

Packed and ready? Um, not quite.

I suppose eventually I will have to say “yes”, as I am running out of time.

Over the past 3 weeks we have done a lot of selling things, packing up, moving, tying up loose ends, and saying goodbyes - but it also feels like we’ve been doing a lot of waiting. For me it has seemed an awful lot like those last weeks of pregnancy (without the great fun of having to pee every half hour round the clock).

There will be a definite end to the waiting.

We all feel full of anticipation: lots of nervousness and bouts of anxiety, mixed with moments of excitement.

We do a ton of things to get “ready” yet we never feel completely there.

We know our life is going to change, but until it happens it is hard to fully know what it will be like (other than awesome, of course).

We’re at the point of no turning back now - the only way out is through!

Sometimes I wonder if I’m doing the right thing, and then realize I’m doing exactly what I’m supposed to be doing.

OK, except maybe right now I should be packing!


September 18, 2008 haleydogs

Will you let us know what you pack in your suitcase? I can’t leave for two weeks without at least two suitcases!

September 18, 2008 cmhoffmeister

Best Wishes; the wait will be over soon enough. I envy you and Marc. Maybe someday we will follow in your footsteps. Now Back to Packing!

September 18, 2008 gjonesing


Hope y’all have a blast! We’ll keep checking the blog. Oh, and…so glad hurricane season is coming to an end. In the meantime, we’ll pour one over ice in your honor before you set sail. Our best to you, Danielle and your precious girls. A trip of a lifetime to say the least.

G & L


September 18, 2008 jadoyle

Oh look! It *does* say by whom the post was written! :) I wanna know what’s in the suitcases, too. Leave room in one of them (a big one) for me! I’m so excited for you :)

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