It’s hard to believe we’ve been back for almost 9 months now - time passes so much more quickly when you’ve got bills to pay and schedules to keep!
We’ve really missed sharing our experiences here and will have lots more to talk about on this blog soon - but for now, here’s an update on what we’ve been up to and what’s next:
what we’ve been up to
I guess you can say this is a rebuilding year for us - much of our energy has been focused on building a sustainable income (without resorting to getting a “job”) and repaying the debt we’ve incurred along the way.
We’ve also been adapting to a lifestyle that’s still very different from the one we left a year and a half ago, especially when it comes to the girls’ education. Our philosophy and methods of homeschooling have evolved substantially since our trip, and will probably become the subject of a separate blog in the near future.
what’s next
In the coming months, we’d like to shift the focus of this site from a journal of our own travels & experiences into a resource site for families who want to take a break from the rat race and have some family adventures. If you’re one of those families, please don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions you may have, or just leave a comment below and say hi.
For now, most of our travels will be on a much smaller scale than last year, but it won’t be long before we start planning a second world tour. There’s still a lot of world we haven’t seen yet.
glad to see you all are doing great!
of course we are glad to have you back in texas but look forward to your next big journey! love the pic of you guys at the top:)
Good to hear from you and looking forward to the new updates
fascinating! It all sounds interesting to me.
I hear you on this. I too believe one has to travel in stages and phases balancing between 2 worlds. I have just returned from 50 days solo backpacking trip to Malaysia & Thailand.
Looking forward to the new updates.
We’re another family re-entering and re-building after a year of living in Spain and traveling with our two daughters.
I look forward to reading about your adventures. Check us out at
It’s so inspiring to find other families who are taking career breaks and finding new paths in life.
What an amazing inspiration you’ll be for families all over the world! I look forward to seeing how this site will evolve. I think it will be a fabulous resource for families!
I’ll continue to follow the journey!
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